Mindful Eating



Yo-Yo Diets


Digestive Issues

Digestive Issues


Food guilt

Food Guilt



  • My step-by-step approach on how to eat mindfully, add extra intention around mealtime so you can optimize your digestion, reduce bloating, and pain.

  • How to balance blood sugar, get your cravings under control, and understand why certain foods are SO addicting.

  • Tools to rewire your brain using the Emotional Freedom Technique (also called EFT or Tapping). You'll leave the course understanding the root of emotional eating, food guilt and shame, stress around our weight and body confidence.

  • How to understand your patterns & beliefs, how to be at peace around food, honor your emotions, and make healthier choices.... mindfully.

>> Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Meditations

>> Journal Prompts

>> A Masterclass Workbook, Worksheets & Guides

>> A private Facebook group for accountability & support

>> Live Q&A sessions in the Private Facebook Group

>> All future content upgrades & materials

  Welcome to Mindful Eating. [Start Here]
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 1 - Mindful Eating 101
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 2 - Mindful Eating & Sugar Addiction
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 3 - All About Cravings
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 4 - Emotional Eating & Learning About the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT or Tapping)
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 5 - EFT Meditations & Resources
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Module 6 - Uncovering the Truth About our Weight Struggles
Available in days
days after you enroll


>> Be present with your meals

>> Make mealtime a priority again

>> Enjoy your meals without the guilt & shame

>> Be free of calorie counting

>> Relieve the pressure to change your weight

>> Be in control of your emotions & cravings

>> Feel connected to your body again

>> Understand your body's cues & what it's telling you

>> End perfectionism

>> Have more compassion, awareness, and forgiveness towards yourself


Mindful Eating
Module 1

In module 1, I talk about what Mindfulness is & why it's important. I then discuss an overview of Mindful Eating & how to incorporate it into your life. I teach you how mindful eating can optimize your digestion, help you listen to your body & understand what your body is telling you. HOW you eat is just as important as WHAT you eat. I then also share some common symptoms that may indicate your body is out of balance.

But let's think about this…. How can we make healthier food choices that make us feel our best (aka mindful eating) when we are addicted to sugar, refined carbohydrates, processed foods, alcohol, and foods that are "bad" for us? These processed foods change our brain chemistry and OVERRIDE our body's natural signals. So we CAN'T listen to these signals even if we have the best intentions to be healthy & want to make changes!


Blood Sugar
Module 2

In Module 2, this is where I dive into blood sugar and sugar addiction …. One of the roots to why you may actually struggle with mindful eating! I go over how to balance blood sugar, what foods you can eat and remove to balance blood sugar, and symptoms you may be experiencing. I give you a guide to good fats & how to incorporate them into your life.

In my opinion, other Mindful Eating courses fail to discuss blood sugar & processed food addictions. But I added this important information because I want to remove ANY barriers possible when it comes to eating with more intention.

If you have unbalanced blood sugar, it is extremely difficult to overcome cravings & be healthy. I believe it is one of the most overlooked items of health and well being.


Module 3

In module 3, I discuss CRAVINGS. I explain how to identify your craving type (there are five) & discuss the main foods we're addicted to & why that is. I walk through the history of our food supply & how we got to our "modern diet" and where we may be heading in the wrong direction. I get you to question FIVE foods to see if they are really serving you & your highest self. Once you learn more about these foods, you may understand why you feel ruled by your cravings.


THEN I also realized even if you have all of that under control, you may still be struggling with emotional eating… which will also derail your best of intentions when it comes to mindful eating. Emotions and Food are so intertwined. Not to mention our cravings get worse when we are tired and stressed, dehydrated, and burnt out. We are a nation that is numbing our emotions with food, alcohol, sugar, and tons of other things.

SO that's when I dive into the mind-body connection in the next module and how we can get our emotions under control so we don't turn to food for comfort.


Emotional Eating
Module 4

In module 4, I dive deep into stress eating & emotional eating. Many of us struggle with these things (and may not even realize it). It's not always as obvious to spot as you think! Plus, I wanted to discuss the guilt and shame that many of us feel when we make poor food choices and struggle to get back on the 'healthy train". We beat ourselves up thinking it's going to get us to change. Yet we repeat the same patterns again.

So that's why I introduce you to a PRACTICAL tool that has helped me in so many ways. It's called the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and it will help you release your stress & tune into your emotions so you don't turn to food for comfort. I walk you through the entire process, the nine meridian points on the body, and how to do the technique yourself (whenever & wherever you need it!) so you can take control of any anxiety or stress around food.

The entire EFT process rewires your brain so you no longer are overcome by the same cravings & emotions that have controlled you in the past.


Module 5

In module 5, I put together a library of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) meditations to help you in your mindful eating journey.

I will be adding meditations on the stress around changing your diet, cravings for dairy, sugar, coffee, and bread/gluten, mindless snacking, emotional eating, body confidence, our weight, and the food guilt we all feel from time to time.

My goal is to teach you how to release the stress you may feel around food or about changing your diet. Using EFT can help allow you to make healthier decisions from a calm & grounded place.

Throughout the life of the course, I will be building out a library of meditations that will help you with cravings, stress, anxiety, and chronic illness.  Once you enroll, you will be getting all these meditations plus any I ever add in the future for free.

If there are any meditations that would help you in your mindful eating journey, I encourage course students to reach out in the private Facebook group & I will create them for you.


Weight Loss
Module 6

I wasn't going to make a module about weight because I don't want us focusing on our weight, but I realized that weight gain or weight loss is already on many of our minds 24/7.

Many of us struggle with our weight, stressing about our weight, worrying we will never lose or gain weight. And when we're stressed, we don't digest our food properly, which can lead to health symptoms, cortisol spikes, and weight gain! (which is a never ending cycle).

The smallest amount of stress around our weight can actually lead to weight gain!

In Module 6, I discuss weight & how to uncover the truth about our weight struggles (hint, it's not about calories or measuring food). I discuss how we can improve our mindset around weight and to start to love the bodies we're in. This process may actually release any weight gain naturally!

I also share a few ways weight gain can signal our body is out of balance & what weight issues could signify.


Journal Prompts

Build compassion, awareness, and forgiveness towards yourself

The Mindful Eating Masterclass is an entirely self-paced online course.

Once you enroll, you will immediately get the content & access to the Facebook group.

As an enrolled student, you will get all updates & new modules I add in the future

(and I will be adding content regularly).


Pick which option works for you

Test drive the program for 30 days

When you enroll, you have 30 days to dive into the materials, and if for any reason you feel the course was not worth your investment.... email me at [email protected] and I will refund your money.

Nutrition, Holistic Health, & Mindset

Certified Functional Nutritional Therapist (FNTP)

Certified in Amino Acid Therapy

Certified Addiction Recovery Nutrition Coach

Clean Beauty Educator & Beautycounter Consultant

Completed Spiritual, Manifestation & Mindset online courses

Currently getting Certified in:

Life & Success Coaching

Neuro-linguistic Programming

Emotional Freedom Technique

T.I.M.E. Techniques



When does the course start and finish?

The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish. You will also get access to any updated content and all additional modules I add for free. I plan to add more content on an ongoing basis.

Is there benefit to enrolling early?

Yes, Yes, Yes! Whenever I add new content into the course, I will be raising the price for non-enrolled students. That means future iterations of this course will be more expensive! So enroll today to get all future content updates for free!

How long do I have access to the course?

How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

What if I am unhappy with the course?

I would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact me in the first 30 days and I will give you a full refund.

What if I'm on the fence or have questions?

I'd love to chat through your concerns with you or give you more information about the course. Email [email protected].

Also, I always suggest if you are on the fence, go with your gut! Listen to your intuition on if you should invest in yourself with this course. If you are called to enroll, then take the plunge!